1. 张建新著.高等教育体制变迁研究――英国高等教育从二元制到一元制转变探析(教育博士文库)[M].北京:教育科学出版社,2006.
2. 董云川,张建新著.高等教育机会与社会阶层——一项基于多民族边疆省份高校的实证研究[M].科学出版社,2008.
3. 张建新,董云川著.大学文化的传承与创新––云南大学个案研究[M].昆明:云南大学出版社,2006.
4. 张建新,董云川编.云大文化史料选编[C].昆明:云南大学出版社,2006.
5. 吴松主编,张建新、董云川副主编.感悟云大文化[C].昆明:云南大学出版社,2006.
6. 联合国教科文组织亚太教育创新发展计划、东南亚教育部长组织高等教育发展研究地区中心著. 张建新译. 东南亚高等教育[M].昆明:云南人民出版社,2008.
1. Jianxin ZHANG, Yunchuan DONG & Yanyu XU. A Positive Research on Undergraduate Curriculum [J]. Thailand: Journal of Education, Khon Kaen University, ISSN: 0857-1511, Vol.27 N0.4:June–August, 2004:51-60.
2. Jianxin ZHANG and Yunchuan DONG. The Influence of SARS on Personnel in Universities in China[J]. Thailand: Journal of Education, Khon Kaen University, Vol.27 N0.3:March–May 2004:80-86.
3. 张建新、陈学飞.从二元制到一元制——英国高等教育体制变迁的动因研究[J].中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料G4《高等教育》全文转载,2005(9):122~130.
1. 张建新著.高等教育体制变迁研究――英国高等教育从二元制到一元制转变探析(教育博士文库)[M].北京:教育科学出版社,2006.
2. 董云川,张建新著.高等教育机会与社会阶层——一项基于多民族边疆省份高校的实证研究[M].科学出版社,2008.
3. 张建新,董云川著.大学文化的传承与创新––云南大学个案研究[M].昆明:云南大学出版社,2006.
4. 张建新,董云川编.云大文化史料选编[C].昆明:云南大学出版社,2006.
5. 吴松主编,张建新、董云川副主编.感悟云大文化[C].昆明:云南大学出版社,2006.
6. 联合国教科文组织亚太教育创新发展计划、东南亚教育部长组织高等教育发展研究地区中心著. 张建新译. 东南亚高等教育[M].昆明:云南人民出版社,2008.
1. Jianxin ZHANG, Yunchuan DONG & Yanyu XU. A Positive Research on Undergraduate Curriculum [J]. Thailand: Journal of Education, Khon Kaen University, ISSN: 0857-1511, Vol.27 N0.4:June–August, 2004:51-60.
2. Jianxin ZHANG and Yunchuan DONG. The Influence of SARS on Personnel in Universities in China[J]. Thailand: Journal of Education, Khon Kaen University, Vol.27 N0.3:March–May 2004:80-86.
3. 张建新、陈学飞.从二元制到一元制——英国高等教育体制变迁的动因研究[J].中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料G4《高等教育》全文转载,2005(9):122~130.
电话:0871-5036295(办) 0871-8326631(家)
邮件:jianxin@ynu.edu.cn st54@gse.pku.edu.cn
Prof. Dr. Jianxin ZHANG
Jianxin ZHANG, director & professor of the RSHE in the Research Institute of Higher Education of Yunnan University, Expert of Yunnan Higher Education Evaluation Center, associate editor-in-chief of the journal “ACADEMY” (Yunnan, China), visiting scholar of Asia-Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO APEID) in 2008.
She was born in the beautiful Dayao county, a mountainous area in Chuxiong Yi Ethnic Autonomous Prefecture (Yunnan), located in southern China, and made her first steps in the academic world in the 2nd year of the renewal of the University Entrance Exam in 1997. Ever since, her study-work-restudy-rework life-long education cycle has evolved into a spiral: she started from the cradle of Chuxiong Teachers’ College on Wild-Goose Mount, climbed to the South-west Normal University in Chongqing Mountain City, spent many days in the University of Culture and Language in Beijing, enjoyed colorful days in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, and finally found her spirit home below the Learned Tower in Peking University. In these universities, she gained her Bachelor degree of Arts in English Education, her Master degree in Higher Education and her Ph.D in Higher Education. Her life pursuance is “reading books” and enjoying peacefully and happily academic life.
After her academic education she conducted research, lectured and offered papers in more than 10 countries, for example in Switzerland, France, Germany, the U.S.A., Belgium, Thailand, Indonesia, etc. She has been teaching on campus for over 20 years. Her rich teaching experience offered the opportunity to teach numerous courses including British literature, American literature, Comparative Higher Education, History of Higher Education, English, French, Introduction to Ethnic Minority Education, Selected Educational Masterpieces, Scientific Research Methodology and others.
She has published 3 monographs, and more than 40 papers. Moreover, she edited 5 books, and as an editor for the journal “Forum on Higher Education in Yunnan” and later for “ACADEMY”, she edited over 3,000,000 words. At the moment, she is also a supervisor of master graduates, and was often invited as a visiting scholar both in China and abroad.
Her current research focuses on comparative education, ethnic education, educational administration, evaluation, university culture and others. Visiting scholars are welcome (jianxin@ynu.edu.cn) if our academic interests meet each other.
Address: Research Institute of Higher Education, Yunnan University, Kunming (650091), China
Tel:86-871-8326631 Fax: 86-871-5033950
电话:0871-5036295(办) 0871-8326631(家)
邮件:jianxin@ynu.edu.cn st54@gse.pku.edu.cn
Prof. Dr. Jianxin ZHANG
Jianxin ZHANG, director & professor of the RSHE in the Research Institute of Higher Education of Yunnan University, Expert of Yunnan Higher Education Evaluation Center, associate editor-in-chief of the journal “ACADEMY” (Yunnan, China), visiting scholar of Asia-Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO APEID) in 2008.
She was born in the beautiful Dayao county, a mountainous area in Chuxiong Yi Ethnic Autonomous Prefecture (Yunnan), located in southern China, and made her first steps in the academic world in the 2nd year of the renewal of the University Entrance Exam in 1997. Ever since, her study-work-restudy-rework life-long education cycle has evolved into a spiral: she started from the cradle of Chuxiong Teachers’ College on Wild-Goose Mount, climbed to the South-west Normal University in Chongqing Mountain City, spent many days in the University of Culture and Language in Beijing, enjoyed colorful days in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, and finally found her spirit home below the Learned Tower in Peking University. In these universities, she gained her Bachelor degree of Arts in English Education, her Master degree in Higher Education and her Ph.D in Higher Education. Her life pursuance is “reading books” and enjoying peacefully and happily academic life.
After her academic education she conducted research, lectured and offered papers in more than 10 countries, for example in Switzerland, France, Germany, the U.S.A., Belgium, Thailand, Indonesia, etc. She has been teaching on campus for over 20 years. Her rich teaching experience offered the opportunity to teach numerous courses including British literature, American literature, Comparative Higher Education, History of Higher Education, English, French, Introduction to Ethnic Minority Education, Selected Educational Masterpieces, Scientific Research Methodology and others.
She has published 3 monographs, and more than 40 papers. Moreover, she edited 5 books, and as an editor for the journal “Forum on Higher Education in Yunnan” and later for “ACADEMY”, she edited over 3,000,000 words. At the moment, she is also a supervisor of master graduates, and was often invited as a visiting scholar both in China and abroad.
Her current research focuses on comparative education, ethnic education, educational administration, evaluation, university culture and others. Visiting scholars are welcome (jianxin@ynu.edu.cn) if our academic interests meet each other.
Address: Research Institute of Higher Education, Yunnan University, Kunming (650091), China
Tel:86-871-8326631 Fax: 86-871-5033950